Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday with much to do! 12:37pm

Hey everyone.. soo thinks are moving along.  I have my lists up on the window, for all to see what needs to be done.  Wish some of these 'referrals' could've been made last week, as they knew we would be going home sometime.. and would most likely go home on O2.  Anyway, we are waiting for a pulmonary specialist to come & "assess" Grace's oxygen needs..so a prescription can get written & a monitor & O2 set up be delivered for us here.. to train on it.

Gracie is 6lbs. 3oz today!! 119 Days old.
She is growing like a weed.. here she is.. she is as long as she looks!! :)

So, the plan is that we may have to stay til Tuesday.. in the big scheme of things, what's another day, really??

We've got the 2 min training on the g-tube feeding.. really no big deal, I think a well trained monkey can do it!! Really, people..we can work every monitor, pump, thingy in the room.. I think we can handle the ones we have to take home.

Anyway, the plan is to leave tomorrow.. hopefully pulmonary will be in sometime today or tomorrow.. we'll leave accordingly & get back very early Sunday a.m.

I've done alot to ensure we have f/u appointments back home, but I do need to spend some time on "set-up" back home.. even if just a clean up..and unfort, being 2.5 hours from home isn't very convienent.  But we'll work it out!!

the car seat is in the room.. they need to do a 3 hour car seat angle test too!!

Okie dokie.. going back to RmcD house to eat lunch.  Last night was Olive Garden..yummy! So there should be some leftovers.. (i hope!)

Hope there's a good dinner tonight..

Love you guys,
pattie & gary, gracie & max

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