Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Post Surgery Day 11:09a.m.

Good morning! A quick update.  Grace is doing okay, she is close to 5lbs full of fluid from the surgery..so at least we can get an idea of how she will look when she is actually that weight!  She had a good night, and she's doing ok this morning.  She's still intubated.. really for the pain medicine.  She's having a lot of secretions in her mouth that needs to be sucked out. (We've been here before, haven't we?)

She just got a little morphine, so she's resting comfortably.  The surgeons were in early this am, and liked the way she looked & recommended to start feeding thru the NJ tube today.  She's going to start at 24 calorie Neocate, at 5cc's hour.  If all goes well today with the feeding, she'd go up tomorrow.

The g-tube in her belly is draining very little, so once comfortable with feeds..we may be able to start with the g-tube feeds.  That would be nice!

So far so good.. Amazing Grace is doing amazingly!

Thank you!
pattie & gary, gracie & max

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