Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Eve Follow up! 8:43pm

Hey, everyone. Happy Sunday evening!  We just got all our information typed up for tomorrow's meeting.. & I'm pretty excited!!  I forward the info to the doc who's on rounds tomorrow.. you know me, I'm ready!!

This is Ann, (Neo Nurse Practioner above) reading the ins/outs at rounds this morning.  Ann has been with Gracie since the beginning, and her & Gracie have a bonded relationship.. Grace is always sticking her tongue out when Ann is around... :).

And on left is Dr. Morrow, Kathy (a charge nurse) on right.. who helped us when Max was passing. 
All of the people up here..the staff, nurses, neo nnp's, doctors..have been sooo good to us.  Truly, they are doing their job, but they have become our Maine family as well.  And we Thank them!!

On Saturday, we did a one-on-one with Erica on the infant CPR doll..
There's Erica on the left, & Kristina (Gracie's nurse) & Gary doing his 30 chest compressions on the doll.. here's a close up of the infant doll:

So, Gracie had a good day..15ml's with me this morning by bottle.. we try a bottle at every feeding if she's awake & seems interested or hungry.  She took 7ml's at 11, slept thru the 2 o'clock feeding & then another 8ml's at 5.. so we'll see how she does tonight at the 8 o'clock feeding...  She's getting soo big!! She's very alert now.

By the way, 30 ml's = 1oz.  So she takes 45ml's over 1 hour at feeds, 2 hours off & from 11pm-6am, she's at 25 ml's... doing great!!

I'll post tomorrow a.m. with pictures & weights & such..then again tomorrow night.. with big news I hope!! :)

Love you guys,
pattie & gary, gracie & max

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