Monday, February 24, 2014

My Jewelry Girl...

Grace loves her jewelry!!
Of course she loves to eat her beads too!!
Big girl!!
Today she had PT & did sooo good.. I've been banned to the office
for a few weeks now when her therapists are just
makes it easier for Grace to work out.
Daddy has really practiced alot with Grace over the weekend in the walker,
as he was telling her that when Laura (the PT) got here on Monday,
she would walk right over her.  Well she did!!
Laura & her student was really impressed with Grace today!
She walked the length of the living room, more than once, to knock
down a set of blocks..and when she gets there she's soo proud of herself..
she claps excitedly!!
She's getting the hang of it, and we're planning on taking her to the mall
to walk the mall .. she'll do sooo great with all tile flooring!!
Tomorrow is the big day.. we get to meet her preschool teacher!!
I'll write all about it!
I'm sure Grace will be her social self !!
(but if you can all say an extra prayer for us!!)
Big step #1 :)
Thanks for keeping up!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell

Friday, February 21, 2014

Walking still...

Grace is doing a great job in her gait trainor..
here she is holding Daddy's hand as she walks the living room..
She's getting very tall, and heavty :) we don't see the
nutritionist til April!
Next Tuesday the 25th is a big meeting for us..
it'll be the 'transition' meet & greet with the public school system..
I believe the pre-school teacher is coming out to meet Grace
& us..we will then schedule a time to come & see a classroom.
We've just been busy with Grace..
and I'm sorry I haven't posted recently!
Thanks for watching & keeping up!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell
p.s. Tastefully Simple is going well.. a new easy website, where you
can order 24x7 or send me any comments is available at

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Conversations happening..

There are conversations happening..
of course they revolve around Grace going to preschool!!
Oh my!!  Her therapists agree this is going to be great for her..
she has the social piece down, and she really understoods when you talk to her!
We'll start her in April in a toddler room at Schwartz..
one time a week for 2 hours..
she'll be in with other children (whom she really enjoys)
We have a meet & greet coming up on 2/25 with
the public school system.. the preschool & who else, I'm not sure yet.
(I'll have coffee & bagels ready!)
Yesterday, Grace walked the full length of the living room
to the back bedroom all by took her awhile, but she
didn't need any help.  Our hope for the fall is that she's running around
in that walker, if not on her own.
  Mommy's turn to try the hair in a ponytail look!

Grace eating dinner.. she's definitely trying new foods.. not really
swallowing, but she puts in her mouth.. sometimes she swallows.
Her sippy cup talent has gotten really good though!
She is succesfully drinking from a sippy cup!

  As for me, my Tastefully Simple business
is going really well.. this is my first time making kale soup.. it is delicious..
and the bottom picture is TS's Beer Bread.. (you only need to add 12 oz liquid of any kind, not necessarily beer!)
I've been working my business for 2 weeks now and have made a good
compensation.. with quite a few people ordering & booking parties
for the next few months.  It's exciting!

You can look at an on-line catalog at
and order 24x7. 
I've had a crazy busy week with two meetings thus far, and another two
tonight.  I'm a little tired :(.  Gary's got a cold..and I'm not feeling so hot either.
Best wishes for our friends Auntie Heather & the hooley's who are
reading this from Australia!  Have fun!!
Also to Lisa & Jeff who are heading to Hawaii soon!
Thanks for reading!
pattie & gary, Grace & max

Thursday, February 6, 2014

First Ponytail.

I enjoyed a few hours to myself today (not really by myself)..
an errand & then a meeting for an hour or so..
& it was nice.. I think for both myself and Grace..
I came home to Grace & her babysitter, Kim to this:
Grace allowed Kim to 'do her hair'.. brush it, take out the knots
& put it in a ponytail.. and she smiled!!
Soo cute.. looks like a big girl!

I walked in the house around noon & she was bright eyed..
& said, "Hiiii." & then mumbled something..
Kim said she was mumbling quite a bit today..
maybe we'll hear some good words come out soon..
We've been teaching Grace to wash  her hands in the sink ..she's been
doing great with it.  I did it with her this morning, and then
Daddy did it this evening.  She giggles! (everything is funny at this age!)
Got ready for bed..and she was sitting up like
a big girl.. in her new green light weight pj's..
Thanks for keeping up with us!
Grace is doing soo well.. and is healthy..
her gtube looks great.. we've been using a skin protectant & a
new cream.. and she's not scratching it as much...
by mouth, she's getting it.. she's drinking her water from a sippy cup
and she's putting things in her mouth to taste them.
She'll get there!
Love her!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow in Fun!

It's been a tough New England Winter..
another snow day today.. & it's cold..icy cold..
Grace & Mommy stay in when it's too cold..
Cabin fever means break out the boxes:

  soo cute!!  Grace & her baby..

And beer bread from Tastefully Simple..
went well with my crockpot beef stew yesterday..
and then TS's Potatoe Cheddar Soup today
very yummy!!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell

Monday, February 3, 2014

Milestone Monday..

Walking with Vevo yesterday..

  & doing great!!

Doesn't this little girl make you proud??
She's sitting on Auntie Dalila's legs, so tall & strong!!
And not throwing herself back

  Playing her favorite game, "Patty Cake"..
she's soo impressed that Auntie Dalila knew that song.. :)
Although she didn't want to walk much with PT today..
don't worry, she'll have PT again on Wednesday!
Love her curls, don't you??
Love this little bug!
thanks for reading,
pattie & gary, Grace & Maxwell