Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday's Visit 8/14/2011 @ 6:34pm

I'm tired tonight.  It's been a long day, but good news all around.  Gracie is doing soo wonderful! She opened her eyes today for Mommy & Daddy.. she just opened & kept them wide for a few minutes.  We were so enthralled with her, giving her positive attitudes & letting her know how much we love her.

Margo, her nurse, who is great with her & on til Tuesday (Nazi nurse with me..not really, but on top of me to keep on pumping & taking care of myself), was very supportive with me & Gary & Grace.

I pumped every 2 hours at hospital, it's the night time that I need to focus.  Margo gave me a cloth that Gracie has layed on, I will wear it with me when I pump; and when I go to sleep, I will have it on my pillow.  The focus will be naturally to help me get more milk in.  She is still eating 1cc's every 3 hours, and that doesn't seem like a lot, but I need to get more milk to supply it.

Our friends, Peter & Paula Mederios came to visit.  It was nice to see them, felt like we were somewhere locally.  They were amazed at how small Gracie is, to us she fuller than she did 10 days ago, but she still is little.  Dr. Amy McBee was back today with a hug for us, that is another Doc in NICU; she was very welcoming to us.  She had taken care of Maxwell.  And we also saw Susan, and another Doc from labor/delivery that just shook her head & said, "I was in labor/delivery with you, and that was a crazy delivery."

I'm tired..going to rest awhile before it's time to pump!

Thanks everyone for reading & keeping up with us!

pattie & gary, gracie & maxwell (in our hearts forever)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gary & pattie,
    I just want to thank you for 2 things. You're incredible love and devotion to your family and second thank you for your dedication to updating this site as often as you do. I wake up every day and immediately go to my "baby blueberries" icon. You've brought us up and down and all around with you. I've cried, laughed and relived my invitro twin premature birth. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop and letting us be there with you
    Always and everyday in our prayers
    Liz Reynolds & family
