Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mixed Emotions from Maine Sun. 8/21/11 @ 7:45pm

Hi!  We made it back to Maine at approximately 12:30pm this afternoon.  A lot of mixed emotions on the way up.  First & foremost, we were/are missing Grace, so very happy to be seeing her.  But then wish we were picking her up to take her home with us.  We went right to hospital when we got in town, and she looks soo great.  She's plumping out a little (she's now 1 lb. 14 oz.. 2 more ounces to 2 lbs); she's very pink.. her cheeks are filling out, as well as her hands & legs.  She's no longer on cpap, but remember she was off that for a short time a week or so ago.. soo hopefully she'll do good on just the breathing air tube thru her nose (you medical people know what I'm talking about).  She is doing great!!

Thanks to the Corley family, we got my favorite book, "Moo, baa, La La La"; so I was able to read that to her today.  Along with another hippotamus book. 

One thing I finally got to do with Grace is hold her skin to skin.  She looked so little under my shirt; and my shirt smelled like Gracie right after.  She was able to stay on me for at least 25 minutes, and I got to take her in & sing to her.  I told her about all the people who couldn't wait to see her, and I told her about her room, and how excited we were to take her home soon.  Her oxygen levels & everything were really good while she was on me.

We are now back at the Ronald McDonald house.  Got a room with a private bath, that's very comfortable.  Got us twin beds, which Gary doesn't really like, but it does help in both of us getting a good nights rest.  Which we both need, desperately!

Fairhaven hadn't felt like home the last few days, because we were busy doing other stuff.  And Maine, doesn't feel like home either.  We are comfortable in the RMcD house, but this isn't home either.  I guess we won't feel home til Gracie is with us.

pattie & gary, gracie & maxwell (in our hearts forever)

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