Monday, August 1, 2011

Cupcakes & Flutters??

I was on baby monitoring this afternoon, and because I can tell between the heartbeats sounds & when they're kicking; I felt the actual kick from both babies.  It definitely just a flutter.  But very cool.  Both babies did well on the monitoring.  Baby b is great, he stayed right on for about 20 minutes; Baby a, she's my spitfire, she moves around a lot!!

Ob came in right after & very excited that we are at 27 weeks today; and said we get to next Monday & we're 28 weeks, which means I'm out of the woods. :) Thank God! I feel fine, she looked at the rash.. just said she couldn't believe I got it, but glad I was doing the ointment & powder and feeling better about it.  She did say I didn't have to wear the boots on my legs.  She wants me to be comfortable and make sure that I get the sleep I need.  She's very happy about how everything is going, says the u/s's look good & everything else does. on to the cupcakes.  Sara, a minister from a local Methodist Church here, came to visit today.  My request to her, is if someone from her church is a baker, I would love a cupcake.  Everything in moderation!!  :) lol.  I'm craving a cupcake or cookies! My MIL (mother in law) will soon be sending me a care package to the house with cookies; I can have a cookie or two here & there for snacks. So, send them my way!!

Thanks for thinking happy thoughts.. a happy MOM means happy Babies!!
Thanks Pastor Brian & Tammy!

i'll write more tonight..might shoot for an afternoon nap!

pattie & gary, blueberry a & blueberry b :)

1 comment:

  1. Patti-
    I love your blog! What a great way to maintain your sanity...have been thinking about you and the babies and sending prayers for you, Gary and the little ones. By the way...coloring is good therapy! I'm glad things are going smoothly and am sure there are many cupcakes in your future.Hang in there!
