Friday, August 26, 2011

The bump & everything else Friday, 8/26/2011 @ 11:09am

Good morning people! Prior to giving birth, everyday at least 1-3x's a day I would go on & just get encouragement from different boards about being pregnant, high risk pregnancy, etc.  It's a very good tool for encouragement & frienship.  I hadn't gone on it since I had the babies, til last night and I saw a "preemies" category; so I stayed on for awhile last night reading some other experiences & then again this am.  It's very encouraging, so I posted my story & will be a regular now on that board.  This am, I was looking at past posts, just to see if there are any stories like my own, and I came across a post for ME & my babies from September 2007.  I know she follows my blog & I just want to say "Thank you!!".  It brought a tear to my eyes, to read people I don't even know sending thoughts & prayers to me & my family!!  Thanks for letting everyone know, September!!  I truly appreciate all the thoughts & prayers.  People's kindness, that we don't even know, is so touching!! Thank you!

Yesterday, had a visit with my dear friend, Heather & lunch with Dalila.  I needed a good 'girlfriend' day & was comforted by both visits & outings!! (I'm still not driving! :(  my husband likes driving Miss Pattie!

And last night we had dinner at our dear friends, Peter & Paula's house.  So nice not to cook, just brought dessert, chips & macaroni salad. They are soo great to us & really good friends.  Definitely nice to have company!

On to Gracie's post!!

Thanks to September 2007; Heather & Dalila; Peter & Paula.. we love you guys! Some we don't even know!

pattie & gary, gracie & maxwell (forever!)

1 comment:

  1. Pattie -- Please know I continue to think of and pray for all of you! I hesitated over posting your blog, but I knew you could use all the additional T&Ps of your fellow bumpies. (I also posted it on PAIF, as that was where I recognized you from!)

    You are doing a wonderful job, balancing it all, and I continue to be in awe of your strength!! Wishing you, Gary, and Gracie the very best -- knowing that Maxwell is looking down over you.

    Much Love,
    Julie (September2007)
