Saturday, April 7, 2012

Officially been 1 week. 9:34pm

Today was a good day at Hasbro.
We missed rounds, but lots of docs came in to see Grace.
The first was pedi-surgery, who fixed the g-tube so that we could at least
start feeding her thru it.  Of course, pharmacy didn't get the 24 cal. formula up til 5.. so that's when the feed started.  Hopefully, there won't be alot of leakage and that 5ml's/per hour, can be increased to 10ml's hour.  I think once Grace starts feeling full in her belly, she won't be as cranky.  She really hasn't eaten other than fluids & nourishment/vitamins thru an IV.  We definitely think she's hungry!!

Secondly, the cardiologist came in (this is someone we can follow up with right
in our own area).. he said there was a little concern that she has irregular heartbeats..
it may not be something they would be concerned at right away.. but they
did want to put her on a 3 lead haltar monitor for 24 hours.  They will do that
Monday morning.. & have a report for us by Tuesday evening.
It may be something that will most likely just be an effect from this septic shock episode.. she was on a heartrate monitor at home & never had crazy low
heartrates..soo it may go away, as quick as it came.

Then, Grace had a neurology exam.. He said she did great.  Is a strong
little girl!! :) (we already knew that).. he didn't note anything wrong with her focal injury to the brain, that he could see!! (Great news!!)
Since Monday, or times, Gracie's eyes have twitched from side
to side.  She doesn't do it all the time, it seems it's done when she's sleeping.
Well, he didn't seem to concerned.. could be from the meds she's on and/or
this episode of it would be something that would take care of itself.

Good news all around!! :)

A stop at a friend's house on the way home..
and heading to bed soon..

Happy Easter everyone!
A day of rebirth..and new beginnings.

Thank you for your prayers!!
Wishing you all a blessed Easter Sunday!

pattie & gary, Gracie & max

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your good news. Continued prayers. We will hold you all in prayer at Hope.Gate.Way. in the morning. Happy Easter! A day of new life indeed.
