Sunday, April 1, 2012

If you read this thru FB.. PLEASE keep it private.. email me instead!

I follow some blogs & I get the post to my email address.. if you are following ME you must also get it via your email.. if you happen to see my blog thru facebook & read this post.. PLEASE do not respond anything on facebook.  Let's keep this one private for awhile. is an AWFUL day.. :(.  We are saddened to tell you that Gracie is in the hospital, at Hasbro in Rhode Island..with a severe bacterial infection.. her body went into septic shock.. and if it wasn't for me 'knowing something was wrong' or feeling like it just wasn't right, we would've lost her tonight.  My heart cringes when I write this.. but that's what the doctors have told us at Hasbro.

It's a long story.. and I am tired.. we are just finishing up billing, so that we can get back to her in early am.

Since she has been at Hasbro, Gracie is doing her miracle fighting as she does normally..she is taken well to the antibiotics & fluids.  She is sedated and on a ventiliator...but breathing above it.

Please keep her in your prayers!
Please keep me & Gary in your prayers..
We are just trying to stay sane and make decisions about Gracie's
care after this hospital stay! (which looks like at least a week to 10 days)
I'm sad that, once again, one or both of her doctors dropped the ball.
In the last 3 days, we have witnessed Gracie go from a happy baby to a weak,
fever filled lethargic baby.  We are pissed beyond belief.
We need to take a step back & reevaluate who we thought was a good doctor for Gracie, and I know that is going to be hard on me especially.

I'm tired.  Gary is tired.
There's too much to say & I don't have the right words to say it.. I will try to post tomorrow.

pattie & gary, Gracie & max


  1. You are all in our thoughts. And thank goodness for your excellent instincts about your daughter. Much love, Ayse and Noel.

  2. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    Praise God for you following your tuition - sometimes it's the best thing we have and it's something people will say 'you're overreacting' or whatever, but usually NOT! My husband and I will be praying for all of you.

  3. I'm so sorry. Best wishes for Gracie and hugs to you and your husband.
