Sunday, February 19, 2012

Guess who's finally home?? 8:34pm

Happy Sunday!! Today was a very productive day.. laundry, cleaning & organizing
Grace's new bureau with her clothes! Lots of clothes!!
Although, she doesn't wear 'onesies' much, because of her tube, it's just easier to put her in a button down shirt..which she has quite a few of them.
Here's a picture of her bureau..(it was an old buffett table once upon a time)

We love it!  Lots of draw space..and the two cabinets for extra stuff!!

Grace must be going thru a growth spurt..she has spent alot of time sleeping today!!
She is doing really well on her schedule of 90ml's (3oz over an hour), 7x's a day..
Her last feeding for the night is usually between 11-midnight, and then she goes at least 4-4 1/2 hours before she wakes up.. then from that feed, she's up again 3-4 hours later.

So, you want to know who's finally home??

I gave Valentine, the red beta fish, to Gary last Valentine's day.  We dropped him off to our friends Peter & Paula on July 14, 2011(when we left to go camping).. and we just got him back Friday! Peter & Paula have three boys, and I was going to let them just keep Valentine as their pet..but I guess they didn't mind much if they gave him back..
so he's back home..and in Grace's room.. :)

Here's Gracie yesterday.. in her Mamaroo..we sat her up a little higher so she could watch Sesame street.. she wasn't really into it yesterday! lol

And here she is tonight.. sleeping!! :)

Glad to have Daddy home tomorrow.. my parents will be over for lunch..and then
we'll relax!!  We did go for a little walk today with Grace, and hope to do that tomorrow too...

Please be safe driving, our children are home from school this week!!

Have a good week everyone!!

We are looking forward to seeing Grace's pedi on Wed.. a growth & weight check.
Her GI Spec on Wed as well, finally changing the mic button..hopefully to one that doesn't leak as much..and is a better fit!
And then Friday, we have a 'playdate' with someone who I've been corresponding by email with since I was on bedrest in Maine in July..and have never met.. her & her twins!  I'm very excited.. Nichole has been a tremendous support system for me!!
What are your excited about this week??

If nothing, you are missing out!!

Love you guys,
pattie & gary, Gracie & maxwell

p.s.  Grampie (family friend) & Adam were over for dinner tonight.. Chilli & Corn bread muffins..& upside down pineapple cake.. nice company, nice dinner!! :)

1 comment:

  1. She looks so snug! + pineapple upsidedown cake is a favorite :)
