For those who read yesterday's blog, Thanks for letting me vent!!
Thanks to A & A who sent me messages!! I appreciated reading them this morning.
It is hard work to be a stay at home mom for sure, and doubly hard when you're working with just one vechile! The parts, however, have been ordered & we should have the 2nd car back within a month
(I say within a month because I'm being optimistic!)
It's definitely these small things that you don't realize how beneficial it is to have
that 2nd car. I was able to keep the car today, and it made me feel like a different woman!! We dropped Daddy off at work, I went for bloodwork (the only real reason I kept the car), and then went down to "The Centre".. I belong to a methodist church, and we are moving from our church building to about 4 blocks down in a rented space.
It's got ac.. it's a canvas & we are putting what/how we want to run it & create a space for people to just come & share God's love! I'm going to start writing a blog about it, maybe start a youth group in the fall. I've been thinking about it and want to do more to share the love & kindness of my church to others. God has been great!!
Here's my peanut today.. "hi mom!" she is doing so well with her head control, and she's been rolling from back to belly!! We sing 'thumbkin' every morning, and I'm always singing to her & getting in her face..she watches my mouth & tries to make sounds.. she'll be talking soon.. :)
And then of course.. "Mom, I'm lounging, can you please stop taking my picture!!"
Love her!!
Hope you are all well!! Thanks for reading & keeping up with us!
pattie & gary, Gracie & max
& let the countdown begin..
9 days til Gracie's FIRST birthday
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