Everyone that I know that is leaving tomorrow for Camping, is still getting ready tonight! It's been a loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg day!
Here's some of our camping stuff.. still packing a little more..
glad Gary's going to pack the car in the morning. And we are only going for 5 days!
Mollie was over today & our little friend, Abby. All four of us girls, hung out.. went to the dollar store together & shopped. Had lunch & a special treat of ice cream in the afternoon, before I dropped them off. A nice day, but just stressful to pack everything & make sure you have everything for a baby!!
And here she is... going back to the scene of the crime.. we are looking
forward to going back to Saco Camping Site!!
I'll try to post pictures this weekend, because YES I'm taking my laptop..remember
this time last year, if I didn't take it..oh my! What would I had done.
Grace LOVES her monkey!
Thanks for reading! Wish us well as we head back to NH..
thinking of Maxwell..
& making new memories with Gracie!!
pattie & gary, Gracie & max
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