We had to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner
last night..and although I didn't really want to go.. I'm glad I went.
This car was parked in front of mine, this pretty lady came out
and started walking toward Grace & I..
honestly, I thought she was going to say she hit the front of our car..
but noo it was much better than that..
Thanks to Liz, who introduced herself to us!!
Liz & I started email chat months into our 4th IVF cycle way
back in 2011..(she is the cousin of someone I know)..
It was so nice to meet her.
She was such an inspiration & comfort to me when I had the twins,
and when I was in Maine.
Thanks for being there! And for always keeping up with Grace's progress!!!
back or head about. She is definitely getting stronger!!
And today, I had the pleasure of meeting my first cousins new baby girls..
Welcome Kendall & Morgan.
Identical twin baby girls.. Kendall is over 5 lbs. & Morgan is just over 4.
Both babies are doing well & at home with Mama & Dada.
Lots doing.. Grace & I are going to watch my niece perform in her
gymnastics routine tomorrow..
Missing music & maybe nap..but it's okay to have one 'off' day..
Saturday back to swim class with Daddy! She did so well last week
splashing & kicking!
Thanks to all , truly..who continue to read about Grace..
and then see us out & introduce yourselves!
With all the people that read our blog, the blessings are tremendous!
pattie & gary, Gracie & Maxwell
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