Friday, November 30, 2012

4 Gone in ONE week! 7:21pm

By week's end, we have managed to 'rid' of 4 people/docs that
Grace doesn't need to see anymore!! Woohoo!!
Of course, Endocronology from need to go back!
Yesterday afternoon, Nutrition out of Hasbro Hospital..we said our good-byes,
as we changed her feeds to 7x's a day, dropping a feed overnight..
from 800 ml's a day down to 700 ml's.
Grace will see a dietician at her new feeding clinic..

 drumroll please:::: NO MORE HELMET!!!!
Now, of course there's a few conditions here..but I'm going with the NO HELMET!
Her helmet, as you know, has been off for two weeks because it was causing her head to get red & hurting her... well, we took her in today for a scan..and low & behold,
we are in the single digits for the roundess of her head.  And for the first time, (this is based on the last time we where there, which was 4 weeks ago.. she gained 5mm in her head -growth!)  The roundess went from 16.2 to 9.6 (remember when we started this, this guy, (not a doc) was not sure we'd see any improvement.. well, HA!
So if there was a 'magic' # where it should be, it's like a 6.
We are at a 9.6. Wonderful!
The helmet is getting small for her, he even agreed..
so we will see the doc that referred us for the helmet in January & look at old
pictures & decide to not put it back on.  But as of today, we've all decided she
no longer needs it.. especially since it's leaving marks on her head & too small for her!!
(I'm very happy!! Reality is that her flat spot on her right side has really gone away, her forehead is more rounded, and she looks great to us!!)
And then in sad news.. our favorite pedi surgeon, JA is leaving the practice
that we go to at Hasbor.  We've been seeing him since April, while Grace was in the hospital.  It's a career move for him..but we will MISS him soo much.  He's
Great with Grace.  Her g-tube area looks great, he said.. there's other pedi surgeons in his office that will continue to follow Grace, when needed.
This is ONE doctor that we didn't want to LOSE!
But we wish him well!!
Grace is getting so big.. and doing so well..
we are hopefully Christmas Tree shopping this weekend.
Got our new Christmas Stockings to put up.. after we straighten up a bit.
Enjoy the weekend!!
pattie & gary, Grace & max :)

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