Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Busy day... 6:46pm

It feels like such a long day!  Gracie was up a little in the middle of the night, I took over from Daddy around 2:30..and moved her to her Rock n Play out in the living room.  She finally fell asleep around 3:30, and I fell asleep on the couch right near her.
We decided last night to go to bolis feeds thru the night vs. she ate at 11pm, 2am & 5am.. So, I finally fell asleep around 4, but then was 1/2 I wouldn't miss her 5 o'clock feeding.  Then we both slept in til 8:30ish..

I couldn't sleep when she slept today, because she was wide awake most of the morning.  Auntie "Madrinha" Dalila stopped in for a visit..we got some GREAT pictures..that I will post.  (Madrinha just came back from vacation, that's why she is sooo tanned.. I'm jealous!)

My madrinha & I..

What a CUTE! picture!!
After getting her synergis shot (which she gets monthly to avoid getting the RSV virus), she fell asleep around 1pm.. but was up at 3.  OT came in today, and Grace did so well with her.  Her OT's name, Jess.. she brought Gracie her first toy.. a thinner rattle, which Grace does so well holding.  We practice alot with another one she got for Christmas.. soo she is doing really well.  She was looking at herself, following herself in the mirror.. starting to pick up her head pretty good.

Holding her new pink rattle!!

A better hold tonight! (as you can see she is still awake!)

Daddy just got home, and thanks to Dalila..we got dinner..homemade French Meat Pie.. & it was delicious.  Sooooo nice not to have to worry about making a meal..
especially since Gracie was a little cranky.  Daddy is holding Grace, and I'm going to get her bath ready.. she loves the that & the fact that she hasn't slept much today..maybe she'll be pooped out for bedtime!

Tomorrow we are meeting the new pediatrician.  Looking forward to that appointment.
Next week, we have daily appointments from M-Thurs..

I was thinking today.. one of the things I'm missing out on with Gracie, is the ability to "walk" her around..when she's cranky, or irritable, because she has so much paraphanila that I have to move or carry with me.  Kinda sucks!  I have to rock her in my lap.. on my shoulder or knees.  I hope she can come off the oxygen sooner than later.  We see them again on 2/17.. but tomorrow we should be getting the new regulator's for the 02 tanks that will help us wean her down to .25 from .50.

The joys of motherhood do outweigh me being upset over not carrying her around..
it's wonderful to just have her HOME & holding her period!!

Thanks for reading!!
pattie & gary, Gracie & maxwell

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