Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blizzard 2013 10:47pm

Finally, we got back our cable, internet & TV services today!
We were out since Friday evening.. the only thing we really missed was the internet..
I couldn't update the blog!!!
(with all the great pics of Grace, of course!!)
So now I'm flooding you with all our last 4 day of great pictures...
 We're going to head outside!

This is our front yard on Saturday afernoon.. total says 13.5" for Fairhaven,
but with the 65mph wind gusts it looked closer to 2 feet.

 Our porched in area, probably got 13.5" snow blown in!!
Grace & I made it outside in the snow for all of 2 minutes.. normally,
she likes the wind in her face..but accompanied by snow & rain..she wasn't having it.
We had a GREAT four days with NO TV..
Gary & I are considering reducing our cable bill, and getting Netflix instead..
we would be saving a ton of money on a monthly basis, as well.
Gary & I really 'reconnected'..
we talked more, we played backgammon more..
we PLAYED more with Grace..and really enjoyed our family time!
We are thankful that we didn't lose heat for more than six hours
saturday night..there are still people in neighborhood towns that still don't have
their electricity back on.
Thanks for reading!
pattie & gary, Grace & max

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