Hi, everyone! Sorry..it's been awhile..
We had Gracie's meeting for pre-school & it went well.
She'll be starting September 2, 2014..
when I think of that, I get a little teary eyed.. she is such
a little love, a little love bug & a BIG girl!! (lol)
With PT, OT & Speech.. we got her services all lined up
and honestly, it's very overwhelming!
They'll tranisition & work with her pre-school teacher
to do things in the class room..
Her pre-school teacher is AWESOME!
And of course, who knows what kind of things she'll be doing 100x's
better in the fall than right now!
Here she is waiting on the principal's bench:
soo cute!!
Our dear friend, Kim went with us & played with Grace during the hour or so
long meeting. Everyone seems to be on the right page..and we are very
excited to see her start pre-school. In the fall, she'll go M-Thurs 8:20-11:10 a.m.
and in January, 5 days a week!
Already in just two short months, we've noticed with her toddler class
Grace is really enjoying being around other children..
(makes me more teary eyed that Maxwell isn't around.. because who knows
what both of their growth patterns would've been with each other!!)
I know he's watching & guiding her..
Grace knows where her knees are!
And when you say 'are you talking on the phone'..she'll put
her hand up to her ear.. (my little smart bug!!)
We've built a little garden in the back yard..
cucumbers, tomatoes, escarole, cilantro, zucchini..
we'll see how it turns out :)
Thanks everyone!!
for reading & praying, and keeping up with our little miracle!
pattie & gary, Gracie & maxwell