Sunday, October 21, 2012

60ml's in one sitting! 8:15pm

Grace & I have really been working on her bottle skills..
she drank 3 oz (60ml's) at Breakfast this morning!!
I gotta be honest, I've been slacking on the purees the last week to get her to
really work the bottle.. soo tomorrow we start again back at purees at least twice a day
and the bottle!  We have a new speech therapist coming in at 9 a.m. tomorrow
(Good Luck Ann!!)
Very proud of Grace!!
We trialed her Halloween Costume today! Soo cute!!
Had a visit with Grace's cousins today, Ben & Emily..
we haven't seen them in awhile & they too, are getting sooo big.
They enjoyed playing with Grace.  Ben & Grace played ball..
and Emily kissed her on the cheek & stroked her head.. again, Ben told me
that he really misses me & Grace.. he is soo loving! An old soul!!
And Emily too.. boy she's getting big!!!! :)
We had a nice visit! Always nice to see them & Auntie Tess!!
Back to the homestead, we went for a walk..and
Grace took another 20ml's at dinner & at lunch..
she's a cutie!
Chilling with Dada :)

"Hi Mama!"
We go for a weight check on Wednesday.. excited for that appointment..
her gtube looks the best it's looked in months..
my new craft:  pantiliner cut-ups for her gtube.. can't take all the credit..
found it thru someone online.. but it absorbs the acid coming out of her belly better,
keeping her skin looking & feeling better!
Have a good week, all!!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell

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