Drum Roll, please!!!
Gracie's new accessorie:
This is when we put the helmet on at the office!! I think she liked it!
Grace in her chair at home in her room (until about 4pm, it was the only room in the house with the ac in it!!) She looks soo cute with her helmet!!
How it works is, today was 1 hour on, 1 hour off.. doesn't need to wear it for nap or sleeping at night. Tomorrow, is 2 hours on/2 hours off, no wearing for sleeping.
Sunday, will be 4 hours on/4 hours off.. & if she puts up with it for sleeping, she'll wear it. So, it's gradual so she can get used to it & of course we can get used to
putting it on/off. She only wore it for a few hours today, because she had a pretty good long afternoon nap & she did fantastic.
Around 3:30ish, we played in her room on her mat, she had it on & was rolling all over the mat with it.. trying to grab at her binky..so I think she is doing okay with it!!
Let's give her a week though!
When she gets up to it, she'll be wearing it 23 hours a day!
For probably, 3-4 months.. unless she has a good growth spurt & it resolves the head shape before that.
great tolerating being on her belly, sitting up (assisted).. she's getting chubbier & loves to hear me sing :) :) & music.. starting to really pay attention. She's getting big!!
Her birthday invites came in the mail today..they're beautiful!!
Can't wait for her birthday party!!
And on Sunday, is our 1st annual, March For Babies walk a thon.
We have many friends & family walking with us, as well as donations coming in.
We have raised $810. toward our $1,000 goal! Just want to THANK everyone who've made a donation for team: Maxlove!
We wish we were pushing a twin stroller, but we are pushing Grace at almost
14 lbs. & she was born at 1 lb. 13oz... for that we are grateful!!
There's still time to donate.. there is no little amount.. please donate to help support all premature babies & parent support!
Thank you!!
pattie & gary, Gracie & max
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