Grace is 10 months old today (7 mos 'corrected)..
she's come a long way..but today she's not feeling good ..
we think it's just a stomach bug..she started with a little diarrhea at about 4:30a.m.
and has a slight fever of about 100.5 as of noon. We are letting her sleep, keeping an eye on her, and if it doesn't get better by tomorrow will take her to see her pediatrician.
This is Grace from this wouldn't even know she wasn't feeling well..
she's a good baby!!
This was Grace yesterday sitting on daddy's legs.. she had about 30 min of belly time..and she's doing pretty well.
We have a couple of appointments this week. A first time appointment with neurology, just a "meet & greet".. so we can have him on her 'team' of people.
We then have an appointment with the plastic surgeon who did the CT scan last week for the results.. we are hoping that goes well, then right after that appointment we go to get her head fitted for a molding helmet. All on Wednesday, so at least it's done in one day. Please keep us in your prayers for Wednesday!!
Hopefully this is just a 24 hour stomach bug, and Grace will be feeling better!
Annoyance #102: We just got a new HDTV cable box from Comcast within the last week or so, and the sound on it (both last night & today) keeps going out.. you shut the cable off, turn it back on & it comes back on .. arghhh.. it's really aggravating, when you're trying to watch a movie!!!
Okay.. thanks for reading!
Tonight I'm making country ribs like my "Mom" used to (grandmom!)
pattie & gary, Gracie & max
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