I know I haven't updated in a few days, my energy was all for today..whereas Grace had two important appointments. One was with a neurologist, just to get Grace
seen & followed as she gets older. It was a great appointment.. he compared
her MRI (taken in Dec., prior to leaving MMC) & her CT Scan (done just a few weeks ago).. although, that is comparing apples & oranges..he did say that he saw nothing new on the CT Scan.. (thank God!).. There may have been a question, when she went into shock back on 3/31, that maybe something happened in her brain as well..
NOPE! He says they both looked good.. the same.
He was very happy how she moved her arms & legs.. although her legs
sometimes stiffen up.. PT & OT, he said, along with our help to moving, crawling, sitting up, etc.. will help her. He will continue to follow her
at her 9 mo & 12 mo (corrected stages)

The comcast man was here on Monday, and she immediately turned her head to look at where the new voice was coming from. She has a great little personality already!!
I saw an old friend today, and unfortunately, Gracie was having herself a 'sad' cry moment.. but my friend said she's just beautiful!! That she is!!
As I'm starting to learn, when you have a preemie..there may be some delays
and Grace has been thru so much..and she still smiles alot & even though delayed in that she's not sitting up completely on her own, she's laying more on her belly & strenghtening her head & neck muscles. She's doing better with that.. and we just keep playing with her & putting her on the floor.. we are seeing some great improvement!!
Here she is on her mat..
Her 2nd appointment was a consul on getting a helmet..as you can see from pictures she does have a flat spot in the back of her head. As much as it's on her back to sleep, that also puts much pressure on not letting her skull grow out, and whereas Gracie LOVES her right side.. she was in the NICU for 125 days & has a flat spot. So, she will be getting a molding helmet for her head. As we all know, she is a wiggly worm..but she did great today when they put her in the little scan machine to get a scan of her head ("she has to be very still", the doctor said! I was hoping!!)
Well, he put on this little toy radio & she just stared at it.. still for 2 scans!!
What a good girl!!
We go back in two weeks to get the helmet.. and depending on her growth spurt,
she'll probably have to wear it for about 3-4 months!
As we say, "Whatever it takes!!"
It's a pink helmet.. she'll look Great!! :)
She is still having a little diarrhea.. seems it could be from teething!
We would love to see a tooth soon!!
Thanks to all those who said a prayer or happy thought for us today!
Tomorrow is just a quick follow up with her pediatrician & a weight check in..
today's doctor is saying 13lbs.. we'll see. She's definitely eating more & getting heavier!!
Love you Gracie girl!!
pattie & gary, Gracie & max
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