Grace is doing better.. here's some great pictures that have been taken in the last
few weeks. Her gtube was checked for a leak and the mic button did have a leak
but I don't like the new manufactured mic buttons.. they just seem to be leaky..
we will keep an eye out.. but it's certainly frustrating!
The good news continues.. Grace is drinking lots by mouth!!
And chewing & swallowing!!
Even for school (who since September has not been on board with us to feed her), they
recently saw her drink & swallow 4 oz of water just the other day..
she has taken quite a bit of liquid by mouth..
she starts the day with 130 ml's (4.5 oz) of formula through her gtube, but
then has s 3-4 oz Yogurt smoothie!!
Then with her nanny after school, she drinks 4+ oz.. prune juice & water..
& lots of water..
She's chewing too.. different types.. cheez its, fishes..
we are looking into getting her into another feeding therapy center in the area!!
Maybe this is the start of something BIG.. we can only continue to hope & help her!!
Grace also went to the dentist for the first time on 4/10..
she did great.. our friend, Tia was with us..and & she did great on her lap..
see pictures below..
Thanks for keeping up.. she certainly is getting big..
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell
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