Sorry, I haven't updated in awhile, as many of you are doing..
we are getting ready for Santa!
My presents are wrapped under the tree with care..
the cookies are ALL done. Enough for our friends, neighbors & a few others.
Lemon Cookies, butter balls, peanut butter & twisters..
we have a great assortment for Santa to choose from!
We are teaching Grace how to hold a crayon..
and use it! Here is her first crayon holding..
And she tried pureed onion soup tonight for dinner & did great.. she had
at least 8-10 spoonfuls. Homemade onion soup, in the crockpot, I might add!
And here's our special babysitters.. Monique & Madeline..
Grace loves them! Wishing them & other babysitters, Mollie & Amie a
Merry Christmas & Happy, Healthy New Year!!
Thanks for our followers & readers..keeping up on Grace's progress..
she's getting big.. babbling & making alot of sounds..
we are happy to be sharing this year and her progress with all of you!
Merry Christmas!
pattie & gary, Gracie & Maxwell
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