Today was Grace's weight follow up with her pedi surgeon..
which 3 weeks ago, there was some 'concern' because she had lost 7 oz in a month.
Her weight was 14 lbs. 7 oz. on 10/7/12
& on 10/12/12 she started 30 calorie Pediasure..
and today she is weighing in at 16 lbs. 5 oz.
Now, I will add that the other big thing that has changed is that
her gtube is NO longer leaking!!
So, she's finally getting all that we give her, thus the weight gain!
We'll do another weight check in 3 weeks, and if still all good,
we'll reduce her volume.
This was Grace a year ago today!!
And here she is TODAY.. 16 lbs. 5 oz., 26 1/2" long..
She's wearing size 6 mos jeans..
9 mos. onesies
size 3 diaper.
Here she is sitting up in her seat.. playing with her toys..
And sleeping as I write this.. she'll be going to bed soon!
Tomorrow is a special day, as we have our friend Abigail coming over to
spend the day with me & Grace.. think we'll carve some pumpkins.
I'll be sure to post pictures!
Thanks for keeping up with our family!
pattie & gary, Gracie & maxwell
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