I have to write this. I'm a pretty positive person, even with everything
we've been through. Grace is our blessing, and we are grateful that she is here.
I understand that people that work in the 'business', see alot of sick babies..
but sometimes they group all our babies together & make us worry for no reason.
Sometimes, they don't come right out & say something..but it's
in there tone..'oh that doctor you're going to see, well she's really good..
but very straight forward.' "don't worry, she'll just tell you the way it is."
Well .. we visited with a new doctor today with Grace..
it was a 'developmental doctor' out of Children's Hospital, in Boston..
that comes to our our Early Intervention place nearby. The appointment has been
scheduled for at least 6 months. It's nerve wracking to go to a 'new' doctor that hasn't met Grace from the get go.. just because they don't really know how far she has
truly come. And on top of that, we don't need to worry because someone
(who's not a doctor) is speaking from their experience.
Truly.. All Babies are different!!

Just chillin.. (i dont want to bore you with all my words.. gotta throw some pictures in here to keep your interest :)
Sitting in her old highchair.. & playing.. our new nighttime activity..
See how well she is holding up her head??
Anyway.. the appointment with the new doc..went GREAT!!
Grace smiled at her (like she does everyone); showed her all her tricks..
grabbing for a rattle, reaching for it, transferring it from one hand to the other,
smiling, making eye contact..following her with her eyes.
Playing with Mommy, rolling from belly to back.. picking up her head while on
her belly; and even sitting up to mid line.
She is growing slowly, and she is developing slowly..
but the doc said she's doing great & at her own pace..
& boy she is really working hard to crawl & pick up her head when on her belly!!
Her recommendation is more physical therapy.. which we are trying to get,
as well as have a physiatrist see her (which we have that appointment booked in January). Well then I can't wait to tell the 'negative nellies' that the appointment
went GREAT!
A long day.. she is taking a power nap.. gotta get her up to play 'ball' & watch
some light up toys.. she loves her light up turtle!!
On the eating side of things, she's taking more purees (stage 2) by mouth, at least
every morning.. and all of a sudden, she likes the bottle.
She takes free water daily & some formula before her gtube feed.
It's only anywhere from 8-15ml's, but hey, it's a start!!
It's all in
"Gracie's time"
we're moving in the right direction & we are very proud of her!!
We start pediasure (which is a toddler formula @ 30 cal) probably
next week, by the time we receive it... this will help her gain a little weight
and it's flavored.. she may just love it.. her current infant formula smells gross..
I can't imagine why she doesn't like it.
Thanks for reading & keeping up with Grace!!
Thanks for all your prayers! They are appreciated!!
pattie & gary, Gracie & max