Another rainstorm in New England. It's been pouring out, lightning & thunder too!
Grace didn't have much of a nap this afternoon, so she was in bed by 6:45..
still there. She's doing so well.
Her dad & I were talking about Maxwell tonight..
we certainly have to look at our loss with some strength, that at least we had
him for 4 days. We've all heard stories of women who have carried 9 months, and lost their babies (I know someone personally!), and that's soo sad to me. I'm sorry if anyone reading this has ever gone thru that!
We are so proud of how far Grace has come, I guess we just wish Max was
right beside her.. and wondered what his strengths would be.
Love you Maxwell Hathaway!!!
I have GOT to go order Grace's cake tomorrow!! :)
Grace's holding alot more stuff in her hands these days!
And this was her 1st stuffed animal from Uncle John.. if you give her a doll, or put a stuffed animal in front of her.. she is really starting to look at it, grasping it..
really looking at her dollies faces.
she's looking at the 'cute' baby!! (but of course!!)
Welcome home Auntie D & Unlce J..hope you had a nice cruise!
It is POURING out.. I love a nice sounding rainstorm.. this one is great!!
Love to all,
pattie & gary, Gracie & max
p.s. Our preemie mom pals date got cancelled for tomorrow.. feel better Erin & Will..
I'll be working on stuff for Grace's party!
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