About a month ago, while Grace was at Hasbro we were having weather up in the 70's.. now that we are home & can enjoy a nice morning/afternoon walk, it's raining all day!
It sure is depressing!! :(
Our first weekend away with the baby, will take place this weekend as we are heading to North Conway, NH for Mother's Day weekend! I'm a Mommy, wow!!
Yesterday, Grace had her appointment with plastic surgery in RI ..for a consult for
"helmet" therapy for her head. This is a helmet that is placed on her head to help sculpture her head to a more roundness, then flat (as it is now).. it's flat, mainly because of all the time she spent in the NICU on one side.. and even now, she really favors her right side. So the helmet will help her head to get rounder as she grows.
Before, we can actually get the helmet, she is going for a CT scan to make sure her bones in her head haven't closed. That'll be scheduled for the next two weeks.
It's a very low chance that the bones have closed, but the doctor just wants to not miss that..because the helmet won't help if that's the case, and surgery would have to peformed. I'm just staying positive.. I'm sure it'll all be okay!! :)
I know you all love pictures..soo here goes:

Our pastor would enjoy this picture.. this is Grace in church on Sunday on Daddy's lap! Just hanging out!
And when was the last time you saw this sign on a magazine shelf at the doctor's office?? I love it, I took 2 :)
Today, is a low key day for us..probably good because of the rain!
Doing laundry, and making phone calls for some up coming appointments.
Playing with Grace on the floor is up for today, as well.
Tomorrow is OT in the morning..we need to get ready for her!
Auntie Tess & the cousins visited yesterday.. it's always such a joy to see them interact with Gracie, who was wide awake!!
All is well here.. Grace was 11 lbs. 5.5 oz on Monday..soo she's gaining & growing!
Thanks for thinking of our family!
Blessings to you all!
pattie & gary, Grace & max
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