You don't know how great it is to just be home and clean, and organize & vacuum. No, I don't like to do housework, but when it's done.. I feel 'balanced'.. and
with the weeks we've had this past month it was just NICE to stay home & clean..
and enjoy our baby!! Here's some pictures to prove it..
Grace's friend, Abby got to hold her..(notice her hands in her mouth..this teething thing is terrible!!)
Sunday afternoon..just playing on daddy's legs.. she loves sitting like this!
We have an opthamology appointment on Tuesday..just a follow-up appt from being a preemie.. Keep us in prayer!
I'm going to enjoy dinner on two different nights, with two close friends that I haven't
gone out to dinner with in awhile.. soo I'm looking forward to getting out!! :)
I've joined WW.. and am inspired to get healthy..trying out new foods..
I bought some wonton wrappers..and made a filling of fresh spinach & shrimp..
they were very good!! And you can just keep the wrappers in the freezer, use as you want to. Anyone have any good WW recipes, please email me!
Going to try tofu stirfry this week...
It's about being healthier for me & FEELING healthier!!
We went for a nice family walk today, I finally got a new pair of sneakers..which really helps!!
Happy early birthday (tomorrow..4/30) to Olivia, Jackson & their Mom..Heather!
Welcome back to Doug H!!
And Madrinha is on vacation this she's coming with us for our f/u
at Hasbro on Friday, cuz Daddy has to work.
Love my friends!! :)
And my FAMILY!
Thanks for reading, thinking about us & praying..
pattie & gary, Gracie & max
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