My dear friend, Heather..said it best: "It's like the full feeling after the Thanksgiving meal, that you say, whoa. I can't breathe!" Gracie was dipping a little with her oxygen today, not too low.. in the mid 80's..but she should be over 92, so they put the low-flow canular back on. It's okay, I tell myself, she really just went to full feeds this morning & the NJ tube came this is the first time her belly is feeling full..she's probably wondering, 'how do I breathe, when I'm this full'.. Once they start her bolis feedings, I bet she'll do better, because really imagine eating 24x7 continously without a break.. I'm sure we'd feel full & couldn't breathe either.
So, it's kinda dark...but you can see she has the breathing canular back on (see the shininess of the clear tape?) better than that white solid tape.. She was going back to sleep when I left. She's sucking on a binkie that's taped to a blankie, so no one has to hold the binkie for her (genius, I tell ya.. those MMC Nurses!!)
So... I don't want to get all emotional again, but I'm receiving some great emails from people who are telling me how much Gracie's story has touched their hearts. She is loved by so many, already.. it clearly does take a Village!! Can you imagine all the positive vibes she's getting, thoughts & prayers?? I am so grateful!!
99% of these pictures are taken with my LG cell phone.. who needs an iphone, really? not me!! Here she is smiling..she was smiling quite a bit this afternoon, and I was taking picture after picture. My mom & dad saw this picture & remarked how cute she looks.. she's laughing, my dad said.
She's tired.. yawning.. again!
And then loves her aquarium. I got her a black & white & red crib mobile. Had it shipped here, and it came I'll put it up tomorrow.. so she can stare at it and be continously smarter!! :)
I accepted an invite to Kelley's mom's sister's house for Thanksgiving next week. It'll be nice.. I wasn't sure at first, but am glad we're going. Kelley & Josh are really nice people.. and as much as I always have stories about some of the people here, really it would be much more boring if K&J weren't here.
I had dinner alone, it was a thanksgiving meal.. turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce.. put on by a Mom to Mom's club!! It was delicious. Then went back downstairs to share dessert & coffee with K&J and K's mom.
If you have an extra minute, please keep Kelley in your positive vibes, thoughts/and or prayers. She's having a tough time right now.. kinda the same feelings I've had for 106 days.. and I know many of you have had being preemie Moms. She needs all the postivie vibes and prayers that we can give her. Thanks!!
Going to sleep.
Our discharge meeting is 11/28/11 .. myself & the discharge coordinator met today, and will get the ball rolling with stuff back home. I think we should be out by the first week of December.. I'm nervous!!! Arghh.. but I'm soo happy!! Gracie is my pride & joy.. and forever Maxwell will be remembered as a fighter as well, for as long as he did fight.. we were grateful to have him for four days.. there's many moms out there that never get to meet their babies.
Thanks to Heather for again.. the answer!! :)
And to Jack, Olivia & Abigail.. Gracie can't wait to meet you either!! (Must have no COLD symtoms, wash your hands & gel them up!!) (You can only SEE, no touching!!)
L.R.: Olivia, Abby, & Jackson saying "Can't wait to meet you Gracie"
Thanks everyone..
pattie & gary, gracie & maxwell
p.s. Tomorrow, 11/17 is Premature Awareness Day.. Wear Purple for Gracie and all other premature babies!! Thanks March of Dimes for keeping this in the forefront!!
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