Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, the internet was down at the RmcD house.. good thing i was tired & could go to sleep around 9pm. Yesterday was a great day for Gracie, she was visited by Uncle Ross. He got to hold her too!! Along with Daddy for the 1st time, and now Daddy says I'll have to fight him for holding her!! I knew he would love it...
Daddy holding Grace 9/26/2011
The great news is that Grace is back up to 3lbs. 2 oz. as of yesterday; she is also officially 15.5" long!!
And she hasn't thrown up much. Only twice yesterday. Soo, we are hoping & praying this is it.. she needs to GROW!! And part of growing, is keeping her formula down. She is on zantac 3x's a day, so that should be helping now too. She had the NJ (feeding tube that bypasses the belly) in on Saturday, but apparently it was in the wrong spot.. so they took it out & put her back on the NG (feeding tube that deposits into the belly) tube as of Sat. eve. They are still going to put her back on the NJ tube. They have an order for radiology to come & get her, to have them put it in..because they can actually make sure it goes in the right place. This will help her to eat more, get to full feeds (which is about 8 1/2cc's/hour)..and grow. Which is definitely what we want! So, a road trip she will go on this afternoon or tomorrow to put the NJ tube in.
Just keep us in your prayers..I know you all are.. and we appreciate it soo much! We can't begin to thank everyone I pray for all of you.. that whatever it is you need, or our going thru can get as well.
Gary is back in Fairhaven.. financially, the past two months have been very tough for us. He is back to full swing at work, starting this week, and will come back up long weekends. I will keep him updated thru texts; and for right now I remain in Maine. This is where our little girl is, and this is where I feel the most like a Mommy!!
Love you guys!! (I'm chatty with the family next door to Gracie.. "Will's" room.. so that helps.. the mom & dad are staying at the RmCd house too.. very nice peeps!)
pattie, gary, gracie & max (forever)
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