Okay..for all those who want to know.. My first breakthrough was a good bowel movement this am.. it only took about 3 hours of extensive pain, a good walk around the unit & a cup of horrible hosptial coffee! But it was a good breakthrough, thank god!
The second breakthrough, came this evening..when I was able to hold Gracie for the first time. It was just first holding her under her tiny mattress while they changed the bedding & then for a few seconds held her directly, as they changed her blankets. So tiny, but so precious. It was finally good to actually hold her. Daddy got a great picture of us!
Maxwell is steady, pretty much status quo. He is failing & we are doing our best to stay strong for him, but also to be with him as much as we can. Sharing our songs, and our loving hearts with him. He is our little precious boy.
Thank you to everyone who has forwarded their prayers for our family! Gary & I are doing okay; we are very emotional & if I don't take your calls, please don't take it personally. All in due time.
I get to see the world tomorrow, or at least outside of this hospital, as we will be discharged by late tomorrow morning. I'll be still updating the blog. We will be going home for a few days this week, just not sure when; and then returning! Maine will be our 2nd home for the next few months.
Thanks again!
Pattie & Gary, Gracie & Maxwell
Much love to all of you. Stay strong.