School's coming to an end.. which for me just brings a little extra anxiety!
Grace is a routine girl.. who am I kidding? SO AM I !!
For the summer, she'll be attending a summer school program - tuesdays through thursdays 9-12..
then what? Let's see, I've signed her up for Music Together (we've done it when she was smaller, so I'm sure she'll love it now) on Friday mornings.. and then our wonderful PCA will make sure she
gets out to the zoo & parks, and a whole lotta fun.
From Sept 2015 - Preschool Full Day

Spring 2016
Look how much she's grown & changed.. I'm sure someone who hasn't seen her in awhile will see a huge difference.. I see little differences here & there.. (if i could get the picture to be sidebyside I'm sure it would be easier to see)..
The anxiety of where Grace will attend school in the fall is happening right now.
It's already starting.. the worry, the fear of doing the right thing for her..
Currently, she is in the public school system with a WONDERFUL (can't say enough good things) of her "paraprofessional" who is with her ALL day.. She has taught Grace so much, & works wonderfully with her.
The thought of having the school use her as Grace's 1 on 1 for next year, is just a thought in our we asked the school & the intention of having Grace repeat preschool where she is & the answer was a "NO."
Why not? They make us feel like they don't want to educate her there.. :(
So the "team" decides that Grace would thrive through a collaborative education system, with the number of kids in the class alot smaller & more direct one on one support.. OK, I'll give them that.. she does need to be 'educated'.. & might do better with alot more 1:1 attention
however, Grace is the queen of her current school.. from 1st graders to 5th graders.. everyone knows her,
she is Ms. Social Bee & everyone as she is, is motivated by her & her by them..
what happens with that? This team knows the expectations of mom & dad when it comes to
feeding, swallowing, PT, OT, & Speech.. do we start all over again??
I know I worry too much..but honestly, as I repeat all the time..she is FOUR..
FIVE even.. what's in the best interest for Grace??
As a mom of an adult down syndrome woman recently said to me,
"Pattie its just the beginning of the on-going battle you will have with the school & honestly, the social part is as much as a big deal as the education part."
In cases like this, I just wish it was easier.. an "on going battle" with the school system..
really?? As if LIFE wasn't hard enough..
Thanks for keeping up!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell