It's been 4 years that Grace has been home from the NICU!
125 days was a long time back then.. she came home at 6lbs 4oz..
of course as a Preemie Mom, you remember weights & dates like this one..
it sure was a CELEBRATION!!
I remember exactly what she was wearing.. this newborn "Rock Princess" dress..
it was a 4 hour drive home..(I drove!). with her pulse ox & 02.. I remember it was a nice drive home!
There she was!!
And today has been a great day.. it's been a great 4 years with Grace..
& as every day passes, she's getting stronger, more loveable & beautiful!
This week, finally, Grace started weekly feeding therapy.. it must be already working..
today she 'bit' & swallowed 3 veggie sticks.. with every swallow I applauded & gave
her a 'good job high five'.. she was so proud of herself too!!
It's working & all starting to come together..

and here she is 4 years later... telling her Mama to be quiet!
This week at her speech therapy.. sitting up like a big girl..
She has come soo far!! I think the Christmas Season is going to be tougher this year with the tree & lights..
she's already touching the tree!
Thanks for reading about us for 4 years!!
couldn't do it without all of you..
'it takes a village'.. silent prayers are the best!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell