Hi. It's been a month.. trying to get the computer to co-operate so I can add pictures,
You know those things that might get in the way from me blogging!
But I figured if I updated monthly.. that wouldn't be so bad!
Grace is doing great in school.. just a virus last week had her out for a couple of days, but
some good friends & sitters stayed with her so we could work, a quick trip to the ER (long
night), and a few nebulizer treatments...and she's seems back to good!)
She's in pre-school all day now. 8:30 (with the bus) til 2:30..
she's doing alot more standing independently at school (still supported behind her),
trying to get better use of the walker..
feeding is 'ok'.. we're scheduling a barium swallow test within the next month..
g-tube is what it is.. we've weaned her a little to make her hungry & she's tasting
& eating alot more meltables..
Communication with the school seems better..
but had a meeting yesterday, and it would be nice just once to hear MORE positives in meetings
that anything else. It makes me sad that Grace isn't up to her peers yet, but for what/where
she is .. I just have to be grateful (trust me I know that.. sometimes it's just hard!)
Her receptive language & social skills are definitely her age!
She's been called the 'little mayor' of her school, waving to all the kids as she passes them
by in her wagon.. (she uses a wagon for transporting from class to nurses office, etc).
Here's some pictures:

With my Dad.. & NO she doesn't have a kitty!!
Her first birthday party for a friend..at Bay state gymnastics.. Momma got a workout too!
She is finally wearing 3T clothes.. 4T shirts.. what strides she has made in gaining weight..
in May '15 she went into the hospital at 24 lbs. She is now a healthy
31 lbs, and about 38" tall..
Thanks for keeping up with her..
OCTOBER is baby infant loss awareness month..
we remember the 2 miscarriages we had prior to the twins
and of course MAXWELL..
the sad part is wondering what Grace & Max would be like
together! She LOVES all her friends & school and her friends love to play
with her best.. I know they would've been great friends! Now he watches over her,
and no matter what anyone says.. it's NOT really for the best!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell