Grace got a medal today..ok we all did..
& it couldn't had happened on a better day..Parent of Preemies Day.
The "Amazing Grace" team walked today for The Nemasket Group's 5k walk..
The Nemasket Group is a state funded organization that helps families, children,
and adults with disabilities. It is an organization that I worked for upteen years ago..
and still have very close friends that work there.
It was MY first 5k in a few years, and although out of shape.. we did great.
As we strolled the streets of Fairhaven, Grace sat quietly in her stroller watching the children in front of us scootering around. She had the occassional wave to people she saw as well.
Recently, Gary & I have been a bit discouraged on Grace's abilities..
she's not walking yet, she's not feeding/eating yet, she's not talking yet..
It's been discouraging & sometimes depressing..
but the word, "YET" keeps us going.. she is 3, and in a normal child world she should be doing all those things.. but YET, she IS signing at least 10 words or more, she IS taking steps
& standing upright with assistance & she IS drinking from a cup like a champ.
She has very important people in her life who love her dearly.. a wonderful nanny who spends anywhere between 12-19 hours a week with her.. & a "tia" who steps in for mommy to
take her to a friend's birthday party.
She is social, and loving.. and beautiful!
She has come a long way from 1 lb. 13 oz.

she's looking at her medal!
And she has quite the personality.. I was trying to get her to look right at me so I could
get a good picture.. here he is looking right at me:
YET..., she's a Sassy girl!!!
This is from yesterday at her school friend's birthday party
at a local gymnastics place.she did great rolling around on the trampoline & jumping..
Parents of preemies is not a club we signed up for.. but it is a club
that we surrond ourselves with other parents who know what we are feeling at different times
and support each other! Lucky for me, I have the support from a wonderful group of women (of about 50, but I've only met in person maybe 3-5).. we are on social media..and talk daily..
our troubles, our triumphants, and most of all our "Little-Ones"..
Happy Parents Preemie Day!!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell