Ended 2014 not how we expected.. with a BANG & a CRASH!
Grace fell forward off a chair & hit her head on a hardwood floor, it wasn't
a high chair..and she was a little out of it when we picked her up..
so we felt it safer if we had her checked out by the pediatricians at the ER..
unfortunately, it was a 2.5 hour wait! But everything turned out ok and they weren't
concerned.. it helped that it was a very high chair.
Just scared mommy & daddy.. ALOT!
2014 was a great year for Grace.. besides this 'few hours' in the ER,
she was not hospitalized or really sick for any period of time.
A few viruses here & there..certainly being in school now, she's had a cold
or virus more than in the beginning of the year, but health wise she's doing great!!
She finally has started to sit up by herself..and laying on her back, she can
pull herself up to the sitting position.
Her belly muscles are so strong, and she can stand up on her own for a few
seconds.. we are looking forward to this new year.. as I'm sure she'll be standing on her own
very soon!! She uses her walker quite a bit in school, and with extra PT outside of
school..we are hoping for some walking by the end of 2015.
Eating is taking a little more time than our patience for it..
but she tastes everything.. we just have to be consistent.
Grace has some wonderful people in her life!
When I went back to work part-time in June, we had to fight a sitter for her..
and we really lucked out on finding caring, nurturing & loving people to be with her.
Auntie Kim babysat in the beginning of the year, to mid fall..
our college student, Ally babysat her all summer.. and mid fall to current,
Auntie Di-Di is with her after school & until we get home 3 days a week...
all are very good with Grace.. teaching her new things, playing, and
she is wonderful with them.
"Tia" Helena has also been a wonderful friend to me & 'aunt' to Grace..
Grace's social skills are wonderful..she's very social to everyone & says 'hi' to everyone.
Tia spends probably 1-2 days a week with mommy & Grace..
and we always have a goofy, silly, fun time! Thank you Tia!!
With kids or babies, Grace is wonderful.
Auntie Heather & Abby remains Grace's #1 fans.. she loves to kiss people's hands
and show them 'gentle'..(she puts their hand up to her face in a comforting position)..
loves kissing Jack & Olivia too!
Auntie Lila (Dalila) & Auntie Paula are wonderful with her as well..
with work & everything that happens in this thing we called LIFE.. we don't seem them as often, however when we do.. it's like it's always been.. relaxed & fun. Those friendships are
hard to come by sometimes!
Gary's dad passed this year at Easter.. the great thing is we got to talk & see him just 24 hours
before..and he was very coherent & told each of us how proud he was of Grace. He was a wonderful man, and is missed daily.. especially for Grace.
All in all 2014 has been a good year.. but we look forward to all the great things
Grace will accomplish in 2015. Wishing all our readers a very Happy & Healthy New Year!!

Right before the crash & bang..
Giving baby a hug! she IS so loving!!

always laughing & smiling.. even at the hospital!
thanks for reading!
pattie & gary, Grace & maxwell