Gosh, I didn't realize I hadn't posted since Saturday..
well, all is well!!
Grace had an 'extra' day of PT today.. another child cancelled, so L came today..
and Grace did sooo well!! She's on her belly, learning how to sit up
and smiling thru it all.. (most of the time!!)
L is great with her & really challenges her..
it leads to a great afternoon nap!
This picture was a year ago.. Grace was only 3lbs!!! Remember reading back then,
and how happy we were that she was 3 lbs? Wow.. how far she has come in a year...

My soon to be very tall girl :)
And we put her in these zebra PJ's last night..
Our church lady friend, Jeannie..made this cloth bib for Grace..
please say an extra prayer for Jean.. she's going thru some
health stuff.. & Thanks for the bib.. soo pretty!!
A conversation with the plastic surgeon yesterday, eased our minds about the helmet.
She confirmed what we were thinking, that Grace has been thru soo much,
that maybe she's just going to have to wear it a little longer..and we're not "spinning our wheels".. she'll get there! This stemmed from a conversation from the 'helmet guy' on Friday, who was concerned that Grace had a "unique head shape to her", and wasn't sure what everyone's "expectations were".. again, people need to just keep their
opinions to themselves.. and until a doctor tells us otherwise.. she's doing fine with it!
A few nights of non sleep due to teething!
And Mommy's got a huge tooth infection, that I'm on antibiotics for, every 6 hours.
OMG.. the pain is incredible!!
Trying to organize my life... I read a friend's blog & she posts what she's doing that day to help organize her life..
Well, today it's clean up some of our home office.. (most is paperwork that needs
to be filed & G's papers that need to be thrown out).. That's what I'm doing today..
to help organize my life :)
Thanks for keeping up with us!!
pattie & gary, Grace & Maxwell