Just finished billing.. (deep sigh).. but I'm trying not to complain..
you guys must be sick of reading about it! So here's Grace 'in training'
to do billing next month!! :)
Anyway, everyone's scale is different.
Grace had a nutrition
appointment yesterday & she was 13 lbs., 11 oz when we last went a month ago
and yesterday, she was 14 lbs. 8oz. So, as long as she continues to gain
with whoever she is being weighed with..she's doing great!!
In a month, we'll go from Neosure which is more of a 'baby' formula
to Pediasure, which is a 'toddler' formula!!
Maybe she'll like the taste of that better :)
I gave her a cookie today..
Look at that face.. she did great sucking on it & putting it in her mouth..
Nutrition wants us to offer her food at least 1-3x's a day..
it's not as easy as it sounds! But we'll try!
Yesterday, she had some visitors over..
here's Abby & Olivia (lu lu) holding Grace..
they really enjoy holding her! And Grace is very relaxed with them.
forehead, right side.. so I don't know if they shaved it off unevenly.. so we're letting
her go without the helmet tonight, and then trying tomorrow for a period of a couple of hours, etc. The last thing we want is to keep the helmet off..because she had it off for the 6 days she was in the hospital, the head scan showed she stayed the same with no
growth spurt either. The 'helmet' is really the least of our problems..she does well with it & is in 23 hours, like she's suppossed to. But we want her to be able to wear it, without having a welt on her little noggin!! But she does look great with the helmet up above her eyes, then on top of her eyes!! :)
Have a safe & happy weekend everyone!
A year ago, we were in Maine for the long weekend..
thank God, we are home & Grace is doing great!!
pattie & gary, Grace & Max