Check this out.. This was taken on 10/30/11.. (Grace's due date):
She's soo tiny!! HATE all that tape on her face.. but love that cute face!
We were working on getting her 'chubby' for her upcoming surgery.
Here she is today.. in her own Mamaroo at home:
According to our nurses scale she is 11 lbs. 3oz.
according to her pedi scale she is 10lbs. 7oz.
I don't know what to believe.. I'm thinking it's closer to the 10lbs 7oz..because
we are having such a difficult time with her g-tube.. it LEAKS
so much.. we have to wrap up her belly with a blanket & have lots
more of laundry, the blanket only stays dry if there is no feedings..
but of course, she has to eat every 3 hours.
Tomorrow we are off to see our GI doctor in Brockton.. a Saturday morning call
to help stop alot of this leakage... praying it works!!
I got to sleep a few hours. We tried everything.
After another high temp this morning, 103.7.. we took her back to the pediatrician (we were there yesterday too).. and found out today, she indeed has a bacterial infection.
Deep sigh!! I think it's really because of the gtube area.. soo our #1 goal is to get that cleared up. We've been complaining about the leakage for months now.. I'm very upset it's still leaking & is red around.. it's not a contact dermatitis.. it's infected!!
I know being a parent, we will get frustrated sometimes.. but we have to be the best advocates for Gracie..because she really can't tell us what's wrong! I'm sad that it has taken us this long to really figure this out. Sad even more, is how much of her medicine or feeds, is she really getting via the gtube if it's leaking soo much??!
On the good news of things.. Gracie is still taking a bottle a few times a day..
and with practice she has taken 8-18ml's daily. We also tried sweet potatoe this week,
and I bought jarred bananas for her to try :).
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.
We appreciate it!
I'll post tomorrow after our GI appointment!
pattie & gary, Gracie & max